Saturday morning Libby and I were up early to head out for our monthly "Girls Day" get together with my friends. On the way we passed a field of flowers and I love taking Libby's pictures in fields of flowers (who am I kidding...I just love taking Libby's pictures - it doesn't matter where we are!) so we stopped and took her picture.

We met Karen at her house and then the three of us went to Jacksonville to meet up with Debs. Her birthday is April 21 so this was her birthday celebration. The four or us went to an antique mall and walked around until just before noon and then we went to a restaurant for lunch. Betty and Bri both us met us there and we enjoyed lunch...well, enjoyed lunch as much as we could with the noise level as high as it was. There was a table of about 8 people behind us who didn't understand the term "inside voices" and they basically screamed at each other throughout the entire meal. Whew, how they aren't hoarse by the end of the day confuses me!! After lunch we went to another antique mall and then went by our friend Jan's house. She had surgery a couple of weeks ago and still isn't completely back to normal and especially since we were going to be doing a lot of walking around antique malls on Saturday she had to miss our get together so we went by her house to see her and see how she was doing.

This morning my alarm clock went off to get up and ready for church but I had a pretty bad headache and just couldn't get going. So, instead we all had a lazy morning and Ryan made pancakes. A while later I started feeling better so we ventured out to do some shopping. Ryan got some more dress pants for work, Libby was more interested in novelty erasers so that's what she ended up getting, I got three tops and two shorts, and we even picked up a new dog bed for Denali and Bella. Denali sleeps on the dog bed sometimes but Bella sleeps on it constantly...she loves to lay on something soft and their current dog bed has lost a lot of its fluff so when we found a nice big fluffy one today we had to get it for them.
After all of that shopping we went by PetSmart because last Sunday our beta fish, Earl, died. Earl lived a good life - we had him just over two years and he was by far the easiest animal I've EVER had. He gave us no trouble while our cats and dogs were busy scratching up leather furniture, peeing on the carpet (which is why we replaced the carpet with hardwood floors!) and being general nuisances Earl just kept quiet in his little watery home and never gave us any trouble. Earl was a weirdo, though, and loved to float near the top of his bowl. We'd shake the bowl a little and he'd start swimming around again. He did that for the two years that we had him. Well, last Sunday night I walked into the kitchen and was about to get a glass from the cabinet I looked up at Earl's little bowl and he was floating on his side at the bottom of the bowl with his mouth open. Uh oh. I shook his bowl and he didn't move. I shook it more and he started to list to the other side. Oh man. I called Ryan in (Earl was "his" fish - which is why he had a name like Earl!) and told him the news. I knew he wouldn't be happy but I was surprised at how upset he actually was about Earl. :-( I went in to get Libby so that she could come say good bye to Earl (as soon as Ryan was convinced that Earl was dead he was very antsy to get him outside and get him buried) and Libby thought I was kidding with her. :-( I assured her I'd never kid about death so she came out and we all said bye to Earl. We took him outside and Ryan buried him right next to the spring flowers that Ryan had just planted out front earlier that day. Libby said a few kind words about Earl and he was buried. :-( Libby and I had planned on getting Ryan a new beta fish for his birthday (April 22) but this morning he was very anxious to get a new beta so we stopped to get a new fish. He didn't want one that looked just like Earl (he said it was too soon)

so we got another one but he named him Earl the Second and he calls him Deuce. :-)