Monday, August 17, 2009

You smell like...

Today Libby and I had to go to Kohl's to return the shoes I bought her for school. It seems her feet grew in the last few weeks so we had to take her shoes back and get larger sizes. After that we had a few different stops to make and then our last stop was Toys R Us. My uncle gave Libby $20 yesterday when we were visiting him and it's been burning a hole in her pocket. She has had a specific Barbie in mind that she just "had to have". When we got to Toys R Us at first she couldn't find it but I finally found it and she let out a shriek of pure joy when I handed it to her. :-)

After she found her Barbie we went swimming for about a hour and then it was time to start getting some things done at home. I was out in the garage for a while moving things around since we just got some shelving units for the garage over the weekend. I was in the garage, in Florida, in August - which obviously means it was h.o.t and I was sweating. I came inside and Libby was standing next to me and she leaned in, sniffed me, and then said, "You smell like...cake!" Wow, I eat so much sugar I apparently sweat it! :-)

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