Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Wonderful weather

I had planned on blogging about the beautiful weather that we've had the last two days but I read my friend Tanja's blog before writing my blog an she sort of stole my thunder. :-) How can I compete with her 68 degree weather, her colorful leaves, and her crisp cool autumn air???!!!! I can't compete at all but I can still say that our weather here has been AMAZING for the last two days!! Today the high where I work was 79 degrees. 79 degrees is amazing...add in the slight breeze we had and that adds up to perfection. was wonderful. It is days like today that make me hate having an office job.

Tonight when we got home I changed into a long sleeve shirt and pants and Libby and I went outside to play volleyball for a while. I just couldn't ever get over how wonderful it felt outside. I enjoyed the weather as much as I could because it is going to be getting back to normal tomorrow. I do live in Florida, after all!

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