Sunday, May 16, 2010

Shuttle launch!

Ryan and I both took Friday off from work and Friday morning we headed down to Cape Canaveral to watch the third to last shuttle launch before the shuttle fleet is retired by NASA. Atlantis launched at 2:20pm Friday afternoon and I couldn't have been more mesmerized standing there watching it race into space. After watching it rise into the sky for a bit Ryan looked over and realized that I wasn't even taking pictures...I was standing there completely in awe. So, he grabbed my camera and took some pictures for me. :-) I've always wanted to see a shuttle launch. And, I have no idea why I've never gone before. For 29 years the shuttle has been launching two and a half hours from me and for some reason although I've always wanted to see a shuttle launch it took me this long to actually make it over to watch one. Can you say procrastination?? :-) Anyway, it was amazing for me and I'm so happy to have watched the launch. After the launch we went to Ryan's parent's condo that is on the beach about 15 minutes south from Cape Caneveral. We spent time down on the beach and at the pool at their condo. We had planned on staying until Sunday and coming back Sunday afternoon but we decided to come back yesterday late afternoon. Today has been a lazy day around the house and I'm already wishing that I had tomorrow off, as well! :-)

1 comment:

tanja said...

took you 29 years to watch a shuttle launch and took me 38 years to jump out of an airplane. i got you beat in procrastination! :) cool pics, btw!