Sunday, February 28, 2010

A girls day

Yesterday a few friends met at my house and then we went for lunch at a cute little cafe that none of us had been to before. In the same area as the cafe was a quilt shop and an antique shop (but the antique shop had all of about 15 items!). :-) While the shopping portion of the day was disappointing the food was yummy and the company couldn't have been better. :-) I definitely enjoyed spending time with friends...I so look forward to our monthly get togethers!

Monday, February 22, 2010

Soooo ready

I've been sick for nearly three weeks now and I'm sooooo ready for this freaking cold to go away! I have a fun day planned on Saturday with some friends and I definitely don't want this cold making me miserable when I'm trying to have fun with my friends!!

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Mixed up...update

Today, February 16th my neighbor took down his Christmas lights!!! FINALLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :-)

Sunday, February 14, 2010

My funny Valentine

Happy Valentine's Day everyone! :-) This morning we all gave each other our Valentine's presents and then Ryan made us pancakes for breakfast. I started getting ready so that we could head over to the the field at the school near our house to play some soccer together. While I was getting ready Libby came into the bathroom and said that she was going to start writing some jokes so that she could be a comic. Here is a sampling of her jokes:

-Why was the strawberry afraid of the watermelon?
--Because the watermelon had bigger seeds! (courtesy laugh)

-What did the alligator have to drink when he was sick?
(Then she felt like she had to explain that it was like Gator "aid") :-)

And my favorite joke of the day...
Libby: "Why did the man have a cat?"
Me: "Why?"
Libby: "Because it was tacky!! ....wait, that wasn't funny..." That genuinely cracked me up...not the joke, of course, but her realizing after saying it that it wasn't funny. :-)

We went over and Ryan and Libby (and sometimes Denali) played soccer while I took pictures of my beautiful daughter, handsome husband, and cutest little puppy. Those pictures are now available on Facebook for your viewing pleasure. :-)

This morning Libby gave me and Ryan the card that she made for us and I thought I'd share it. She's so sweet! :-) front of card:
inside of card:

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Mixed up?

So, in my neighborhood I have two other houses on the cul de sac with my house. What is great is all three of us love to decorate for holidays! But, my one neighbor whose house is right next to mine doesn't understand that after you put up holiday decorations you one day need to take them down! :-)

I decorate for the fall on September 1st and those items stay up until the weekend before Thanksgiving when I then decorate for Christmas. You'll notice I said I decorate for FALL not Halloween. I decorate with pumpkins (not jack o'lantern's), leaves, etc. If I did decorate for Halloween I would put up those decorations no earlier than October 1st - but that's just my personal opinion. Anyway, my neighbor put up his Halloween decorations in early September. Okay, I said, that is just my personal opinion. However, he did not take down his Halloween decorations until DECEMBER 1ST!!??!! What the heck?? That is 31 days after Halloween! About a week later he put up his Chrismtas decorations. When we saw him outside hanging his Christmas lights I gave a heavy sigh and said to Ryan that I bet his lights would come down around January 27th. I wish!! Today is February 10th. Christmas was 47 days ago. Not only does my neighbor still have up his Christmas lights but HE STILL TURNS THEM ON EVERY SINGLE NIGHT!!! If he was just lazy and left them up without turning them on then whatever, I'd just write that off to him being lazy...but he still turns them on 47 days AFTER Christmas!! What the heck??

But wait, it gets better. He now has up:
---colored Christmas icicle lights hanging from the roof of his house (I'm not sure if you can tell but they are lit in this picture)
---a Valentines day flag hanging near his front door
---AND on February 10th he also has up a wooden bunny "Welcome" sign for Easter. EASTER...which is 53 days away!!! WHAT THE HECK? I love holidays and LOVE decorating for them (at the appropriate times!) but my neighbor is driving me crazy!

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Our Saturday

Well, it turned out that Debbie's dad wasn't released from the hospital on Saturday. There weren't complications with the surgery or anything but he needed to stay at least one more night. So, Saturday morning we had breakfast and then Debs left to go see her dad and other family members. Ryan and I were going to take Denali over to Ryan's parent's house so that they could finally meet Denali. But, Denali started not feeling very well so we called his parents and said that we'd have to cancel our plans. It turns out that they had already made lunch for us (how sweet!) so they called right back and said that they were heading to our house to meet Denali and to bring lunch to have with us. That was so nice of them!! So, they arrived about 30 minutes later and they played with Denali and we ate lunch. When we were finished eating they left to go back home and Ryan and I left to run a few errands...we went by Best Buy, Michael's (my absolute favorite store in the whole wide world!!!!) and then we made a quick stop at the grocery store and headed back home.

Saturday morning the guys who we hired to build our privacy fence showed up and those boys worked terribly hard all day long and when we got back from our errands the sun was nearly ready to go down so the guys told us that they would be back on Sunday after church to finish up the job. They nearly finished the fence on Saturday which impressed the heck out of me. I couldn't believe how much work those guys accomplished in nine hours!! So, today they'll be back and they'll finish our pretty new fence!! So excited! Denali will be happy, too, so that he can now go out in the back yard without his leash.

Anyway, so Saturday night we got home and Ryan started making his "famous" crab cakes. :-) It's a process that takes a couple hours but Debs was staying with us again and he wanted to make her something yummy. :-) After dinner we got ready to leave to go to a sports bar place to watch the UFC fights with a couple of Ryan's friends. We got home about 1am and we all quickly headed to bed!

Saturday, February 6, 2010

It's Friday night!

Whew, finally it's Friday night!! This week was a busy week...especially with the new puppy! Last night my friend Debs came from Jacksonville to spend the night with us. Her dad was having surgery today and she spent last night with us so that she could drive her dad to the hospital. She had a VERY long day but her dad's surgery went well and they say he should be released from the hospital tomorrow. Since he had to stay overnight in the hospital she came back to spend the night with us again. Ryan and I had already planned on going to Jai-Alai tonight. Ryan loves going and I've actually really gotten into it over the last few years of going with him. Debs had never been before so we were happy to have her go along with us. There wasn't much of a crowd there tonight (Jai Alai is so much more fun when there is a big crowd!) but we had fun. My favorite player, Pancho (yes, one of my cat's is named after him!), played several games...he didn't do very well but it was fun getting to see him play! :-) By the way, we saw a player climb the wall tonight just like in the picture above...I love it when they do that! :-)

We tried to take a different route home and the GPS ended up taking us down some dark and deserted roads and to be honest...I was terrified! :-) I kept expecting to see the guy from the movie "The Strangers" to pop out at any moment! I was so scared!! :-)