Thursday, September 24, 2009

They grow up way too fast!!

Today I just couldn't get over how "grown" Libby seems lately! I got off early today and picked her up and we went to look for her Halloween costume. For weeks she has said that she wanted to be a black cat but once we got to the store and she saw all of her options she quickly changed her mind to being a witch. She has been a witch before (when she was 4) but it's her Halloween costume so I let her pick whatever she wanted to be. It was just so cute watching her go from costume to costume examining each one as she made her decision.

We got home with a little extra time before we had to leave to head back to school. Libby is in the Accelerated Reader program at her school. One night a month towards the end of the month the media center is open at school for the students to come in and have a chance to read extra books and take the Accelerated Reader tests on those books. Each test earns them a certain amount of points and if they meet their goal at the end of the month then they get to be part of the Lunch Bunch. I loved watching her log onto the computer and know exactly what she was doing to access the test site. It just amazes me how proficient children are on the computer these days!

We got home from A.R. night and while dinner was cooking I couldn't help but stare at her and watch her every move. She is such an amazing, beautiful, and smart little girl! Only it's getting hard to describe her as "little" anymore!! Look at her!!!!

1 comment:

tanja said...

i didn't know they sold boots in florida ;)