Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Last Day of 3rd Grade!

Today was Libby's last day of 3rd grade! Man, this school year flew by! Since school was only for 2 days this week and they were on an early release schedule (getting out at 12:30pm) I didn't pay for afterschool this week and I spent my lunch break yesterday and today driving to Newberry to pick her up and then coming back to the office so that she could play with the other kids here. It was so cute hearing the little kids yelling I love you to their teachers and the teachers giving the kids hugs and everyone saying to have a great summer.

I've been so busy bragging about my nieces that I haven't ever gotten around to bragging about all of the awards that Libby got at the 3rd Grade Awards Ceremony last Thursday morning! She got 8 awards...a Scholarship award for having A/B Honor Roll all year, a Citizenship award, a Math Whiz award, a SunShine State Young Reader award, a Principal's Award for earning a 5 (the highest possible score) on the math portion of the FCAT tests, an Outstanding Artist award, a Music Performance award, and a P.E. award for being one of the top earners in her school for Jump Rope For Heart that she did at the end of February (she was in the top 5 earners for her entire school). Way to go Libby!!

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