Saturday, February 14, 2009

Happy Valentine's Day!

We started our Valentine's celebration yesterday. :-) Libby had a Valentine's celebration in school and then she had another one at her afterschool. Ryan went to work and passed out little bags of candy to his co-workers. Me...I wore red. :-) When we got home after work Ryan surprised me with roses and then cooked dinner (mussels and scallops over pasta) and Ryan gave Libby her Valentine's present - a big stuffed bear that is nearly as big as she is! :-) Libby gave her present to Ryan that she picked out...a stuffed dog. Libby and I read some Valentine's books before she went to bed and once she was asleep Ryan and I watched The Strangers again. Since it was Friday the 13th we wanted something scary - and that movie is about as messed up as you can get!

This morning Ryan had to work and when he got home we had planned on having a picnic but it was raining so we had an indoor picnic. For dinner tonight Ryan is cooking salmon with spinach and mushrooms per my request. For dinner we are having the brownies that Libby and I baked earlier and cut into heart shapes. :-)

I hope that everyone has had as wonderful of a Valentine's Day as we've had!

1 comment:

Deb said...

Awww what a nice day! C bought us hibiscis plants & made us steak, shrimp & potatoes. :)