Thursday, March 19, 2009


Today when I picked up Libby after school she immediately informed me that she "needed" Starbucks. That's understandable coming from a 7 year old, right? :-) Luckily for her I still have a balance on a gift card that I got for my birthday so I was able to take care of that "need" for her! :-) She ordered her "pink coffee" (which is actually a strawberries and cream frappuccino) and we sat and talked about school for a bit before we had to head to her art lesson. I had to ask her about her day today because I wasn't able to volunteer. Last night Ryan and I were sitting watching tv and all of a sudden I started feeling sick. I was still feeling sick this morning so Ryan got up (on his vacation) and got Libby up and ready for school and he took her in for me. Libby's teacher tried to talk him into volunteering in my place but she wasn't able to convince him to stay. :-)

1 comment:

tanja said...

i hope you're feeling better!! and thanks for sending me a copy of libby's cool!