Monday, May 16, 2011

Wow, without even noticing it another two weeks have gone by since I last posted. I need more excitement in my life! :-)

Let's see...last weekend was Mother's Day weekend and it was a little busy. On Saturday Libby, Debs, and I went to Lakeland for a memorial service for a woman who Debs and I went to church with when we were younger. In October we were in Lakeland for her husband's memorial service and then a little over six months later we were back for her service. It was a very nice service and definitely fit her personality which was very nice.

Sunday was Mother's Day and we went to church and then out for lunch with Ryan's parents and then back home for a relaxing Sunday before getting back into the work week.

Last week on Thursday I had my monthly doctor's appointment and everything is still going wonderfully...I'm 20 weeks now - half way there! Wow, I can't believe that in just a few months our little baby will make her arrival!

This past weekend on Saturday Karen and I went to Jacksonville to meet up with Debs and Jan for some shopping and lunch. We also went to the hosptial to see Debbie's mother-in-law who had just had knee surgery. Here's a picture of me and my currently ever-expanding belly! :-)

I had to head back home after a few hours of visiting with the girls and Ryan and I got ready to meet up with some friends from his work and we had dinner with them and after dinner his friends wanted to go bowling and that's one thing that can actually keep Ryan out of the house (he's such a homebody!) :-) so we joined them until the wee hours of the morning. I just watched the rest of them while they bowled...I didn't think it was the best idea for me to be heaving a 12 pound ball down a lane in my "delicate state". ;-)

Yesterday was a very relaxing day...I did a little cleaning, a little clothes shopping (I found the dress I'll wear in two weeks at my niece's high school graduation when I go visit her in Tennessee over Memorial Day weekend!!) and then Libby and I did some grocery shopping and went home and had a nice evening at home.

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