Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Movies and the park

Wow, I can't believe it is already Wednesday! Miss Libby only has four more days of summer break and then she has to start back to school. :-( I hate how time flies so fast.

This morning we left at 9:30am and picked up her friend Riley who was going to spend the day with us. We went directly to the park to get there before it was too hot to be outside and to be sure to beat the daily rain shower you are guaranteed to have in July and August in Florida. They played for two hours and then it was time to head over to the movies. Libby has been wanting to see G-Force so we went to see that. The girls really liked it...I love hearing Libby belly laugh!! That and her giggle are two of my favorite sounds in the whole world.
After the movie I had to make a quick stop in Wal-mart to pick up a few things that we needed and then it was time to take Riley back home. We got home right at 5:00 and Libby played some Webkinz on the computer for a while and then had dinner. After dinner we spent the rest of the evening playing until it was time for her to go to bed. She went to bed "early" tonight compared to what time she has been going to bed all summer but considering that we are now down to just four more summer days I figured it was time to start getting her back on track for school nights.

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