Saturday, August 22, 2009

Tea room and play date

This morning Libby and I left to head to the Tea Room for our Friendship Day tea. Friendship Day was actually at the beginning of this month but we weren't able to go then because Tara was still out of town so we finally made it for our Friendship Day tea today. The four of us are in the Pink Hat Society - which is part of the Red Hat Society. Although my friend Kristina believes it to be a cult ;-) the point of the group is to embrace life with enthusiasm and even silliness and to have fun in everything that you do. After the Tea Room we met up with Libby's friend Riley at Funworks and for three hours they skated, climbed the rock wall, and played in the indoor playground. They had fun but at 6:00pm I was tired, hungry, and ready to go so we came home. Only one more day of summer break and then school start. :-(

1 comment:

Kristina Muzzey said...

Awww, you make it sound like I think it's evil! After spending the weekend at the hotel with the red hats in Jax, I have a new respect for your "cult" They kind of reminded me a little of the ladies from Steel Magnolias.

BTW - do I have to wear a pink hat when I come the ladies lunch on the 26th? ;-) I don't have pink, but I do have hats that I could wear - he he he.